Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Web Engineering 2nd Unit Notes

There are some key points regarding the HTML, which will be used in future for making the HTML page so effectively.
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): -
i)                   HTML is not any programming language like C and C++. It is used for web designing for creating the interface or front-end of the website. It is used as an interpreter not complier.

ii)                It is a static language means through the HTML we can create static website (In the static website we cannot change in the runtime)

iii)              We know that we can create static website in HTML, but though this we can also create Dynamic website (but not fully dynamic).e.g: - When cursor moves on the hyperlink at runtime the color of the hyperlink will be changed automatically.

iv)              In the HTML, we use predefined tags.
v)                Tag: - A tag is a specified and bounded area which is used to perform any specified task and already encoded into any browser library known as a tag. Syntax: - <>

vi)              Types of tags
1.     Paired tags(<> opening tag, </   > closing tag>)
2.     Unpaired or single tag(there is only single tag contains the information regarding the closing and opening tag such as <br>, <hr>, <input>)
HTML Element: -

In the HTML syntax, most elements are written with a start tag and an end tag, with the content in between. Tags are composed of the name of the element

 For example, a paragraph, which is represented by the p element, would be written as

<p>In the HTML syntax, most elements are written ...</p>


 We call HTML as a markup language, because we use a markup tag that is inbuilt tag, so we call it markup language.

HTML language is not case sensitive.

We use HTML to access the Internet through the web browser and there is no need of any server to execute the HTML page. It works on client side.

The extension of HTML page is .html or .htm (Windows operating system) but DOS operating system does not support .htm extension.
The HTML tag at the top of position is not compulsory, means if we don’t use the HTML tag after that the page will be executed.
<body bgcolor=yellow></body>
      Attribute            Property of attribute
·        <h1>This is the maximum size</h1>
(This is the heading tag and we can use the h1 to h6 for maintaining the size of the heading)
·        By default the size of the text is 6 pixel, we can increase or decrease by the properties.

·        Div: - We use the div tag in HTML for making the partition of the page or represent the part of the page uniquely known as div tag. It is a paired tag in HTML.

·        Syntax: -  <div style=”background color:gray;height:300px:width:200px”>
·        <ol></ol>                  Ordered list tag which represent the sequence of the information.
<ol type = I start=5> (numbering will be started from 5 in roman way)

·        <ul></ul>                       Unordered list tag which represent information in the form of square ,
                                     Bullet, circle or disc
·        <ul type=circle>          representing the circle in front of list of item.
·        <button>click</button>             #for creating the button HTML page

Assignment no: - 1
Make a format of resume with div tag,<ol></ol> and <ul></ul>tags. See the picture below: -


We can also use Dreamweaver software for making the interface of the website through the HTML tags. If we use the tags in this software, we can get automatic help through this we can easily use the tags. But if we use notepad for creating the page then there is no option for automatic help, that’s why during php course work we always prefer Dreamweaver software for creating the webpage so effectively.

There are some important tags in HTML, which will be used mostly trough the web designing of the website through HTML.

Username<input type=text   name =t1>

                 Tag         attributes    Property      Represents the ID

BY default textbox contain 20 characters but we can increase the size of the text box by size property.

Password<input type=password   name =t2>

                 Tag         attributes    Property      Represents the ID

The name attribute of the tag is optional. It will be used later when we pass the data in between the pages through php programming.

For creating the radio button the page we use the following syntax: -

<input type=radio  name=s1 value=abc>Male<br>
<input type=radio  name=s1 value=xyz>Female

Note: - If we use the same name in both male and female category then only one will be activated at runtime and in case name of both r different then both will be selected individually.

Form Element: -

There are mainly two types of form elements: -
1)    GET method     2)  POST method

See the example of GET and POST methods: - 

  <title>My first styled page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="abc.css">

<!-- Site navigation menu -->
<form action=”abc.html” method=GET or POST>
          Represents the path of              Represents the info in URL                     Represents the info
          Next page.                                 Of the next page through query string      on the next page
                                                                                                                             But not in URL

<ul >
  <li><a href="index.html">Home page</a>
  <li><a href="musings.html">Musings</a>
  <li><a href="town.html">My town</a>
  <li><a href="links.html">Links</a>
<div class = "abc">
<p>Welcome to my styled page!</p>
<h1 >My first styled page</h1>

From the security point of view, we always prefer POST method for transferring the information on the next page.

GET method: -
                         When we use GET request then everyone can see parameters values on the address bar, it is not secure, one more thing we can take or transmit less amount of information(max 40 characters).

POST method: -
                      When we use POST method, then no one can parameters value on the address bar and its is secure through this we can take request from small as well as large file. It is most probably used into websites.

<a href=”abc.html” target=_blank>login</a>

Target attribute has three properties

_blank        _self        

See the                  See the
Info at another     info in same
Window               window

So finally a journey of HTML forms starting to end in short description.

HTML :-( Hyper Text Markup Language)

Tags Used In html:-

        Tag                         Function
<DOCTYPE .../>         Specifies the HTML document’s DTD.
<html></html>          Specifies an HTML document.
<head></head>          Specifies an HTML document’s header.
<title></title>             Specifies an HTML document’s title.
<meta></meta>          Specifies metadata about an HTML document.
<body></body>          Specifies an HTML document’s body.

Basic Structure:-


Note: - The document needs is a "head", which provides information about your document, and a "body", which is the content of the document. Since HTML is nothing if not logical, the head (<head> and </head>) is on top of the body (<body> and </body>).

Tags Used In html:-

        Tag                    Function

<h1></h1>             Specifies a first level heading.
<h2></h2>             Specifies a second level heading.
<h3></h3>             Specifies a third level heading.
<h4></h4>             Specifies a fourth level heading.
<h5></h5>             Specifies a fifth level heading.
<h6></h6>             Specifies a sixth level heading.
<p></p>               Specifies a paragraph.
<ul></ul>             Specifies an unordered (bulleted) list.
<ol></ol>             Specifies an ordered (numbered) list.
<li></li>             Specifies a list element.
<b></b>               Emboldens text.
<br/>                 Places a line-break in text.
<i></i>               Italicises text.
<big></big>           Enlarges text.
<small></small>       Makes text smaller.
<em></em>             Emphasises text.
<strong></strong>     Emphasises text, with more emphasis than the em tag.
<sub></sub>           Subscripts text.
<sup></sup>           Superscripts text.
<del></del>           Specifies enclosed text as deleted.
<ins></ins>           Specifies enclosed text as inserted.
<kdb></kdb>       The KBD tag defines text that should be entered by a user
                        as in a keyboard. Most browsers display this text in
                        a Monospaced font

<a></a>                      Anchor tag
<caption> </caption>               Defines the table caption
<cite> </cite>                          Defines the title of work
<datalist></datalist>  specifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element
<link></link>    Specifies the connectivity b/w the document and resources
<meta></meta>   provides the metadata of the html document       
<iframe></iframe>           specifies web document within the web document
<select>  </select>    <select> element is used to create a drop-down list.
<option></option>    specifies the options in the list
<fieldset></fieldset>  specifies the form element in group
<marquee></marquee>   specifies the moving text and images
<legend></legend>    defines the caption of group defined by <fieldset>
<object></object>    defines the embedded object in HTML document
<param></param>   pass the parameter to plug-in that embedded in <object> tag

Special Character Tags:-

   Tag        character         Meaning

&amp;              &          ampersand
&nbsp;                        non-breaking space
&pound;            £          pound sterling character
&cent;               ¢          cent character
&copy;             ©          copyright character
&reg;                ®          registered character
&deg;                °          degree character
&plusmn;          ±          plus or minus character
&times;             x          multiplication character
&divide;           ÷          division character
&lt;                  <          less-than sign
&gt;                 >          greater-than sign

Assignment No: - 2

We will create a login page along with registration navigation, and when we press the registration hyperlink then we get the registration in another window. On the right side of the login page we want set of four images.

                         CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

Introduction: -

A style is just the representation of the document on the interface. It contains the settings for the color, size, type and weight (Boldness) and style (italic, normal) of the text on your document.

What are the cascading Style Sheets: -

Cascading style sheets are like Dreamweaver templates. They allow creating files that defined how text will look on the entire site. Css files can even define the appearance of the page layouts.

Sometimes, styles can be defined in the <HEAD> section of an HTML document. There are mainly two ways for creating the CSS.

Style sheets are saved completely independent files and we can import the file or can say that uploaded the file on HTML elements, which is the part of website and when we execute the website, then the line of code which created in CSS that tells the browser to go get that style sheet in the same way that pages refer browsers to graphics and other pages.

You can create or implement the style sheet in between the HTML elements but that style sheet will only work for the particular page not for all pages of the website.

Anatomy of a Style: -

All the style have the same basic parts, through this we can create the style sheets with full of functionalities that will affect the HTML documents.

SELECTOR: - The selector is simply the HTML element that is linked to a particular style or you can create your own selector.
                P { text-align: 3em}

Such as: - h1 {color: purple}

In the example given, any text that falls between <h1> tags would be made purple.

Multiple style declarations for a single selector may be separated by a semicolon:

Selector {propety1:value1; property2:value2}

Class Selectors

A simple selector can have different classes, (A class is the combination of different styles which would be used for representing the pages more attractive) thus allowing the same element to have different styles. For example, an author may wish to display code in a different color depending on its language:
code.html { color: #191970 }
code.css  { color: #4b0082 }

In the above example has created two classes, css and html for use with HTML's  CODE element. The CLASS attribute is used in HTML to indicate the class of an element, e.g.,

<P CLASS=warning>Only one class is allowed per selector.
For example, code.html.proprietary is invalid.</p>

Classes may also be declared without an associated element:
.note { font-size: small ;}

DECLARATION: - This is tells the part between the curly brackets that the browser how to render parts of the page to which the selector has been applied.
Properties or Arguments

A property or Arguments is assigned to a selector in order to manipulate its style. Examples of properties include color, margin, and font.

The declaration value is an assignment that a property receives. For example, the property color could receive the value red.


In order to decrease repetitious statements within style sheets, grouping of selectors and declarations is allowed. For example, all of the headings in a document could be given identical declarations through a grouping:
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 {
 color: red;
  font-family: sans-serif }

Style Sheet Syntax: -

Every statement must have a selector and declaration. The declaration comes immediately after the selector and is contained by a pair of curly brackets { }
H1 {font: Arial, Impact, Sans Serif}

The declaration is one or more properties separated by semicolons. That is
            H1 {Font-family: Arial; Color: blue}

Some property or argument can take a number of values, as in the font-family example above. The values in the list should be separated by comma and a space.

For example, the following code segment defines the color and font-size properties for H1 and H2 elements: -

<STYLE SHEET = “text/css”>
H1 {font-size:  x-large; color: red}
H2 {font-size: large; color: blue}
<H1>Simple CSS template</H1>

In the above example you can create the style in the HTML elements with Selector and property, with the syntax of CSS.


Comments are denoted within style sheets with the same conventions that are used in C programming. A sample CSS1 comment would be in the format:
H1 {color: red}   /* red really red!! */
Ways for creating the Style Sheet: -

Style sheet information is the textual in the nature and is included either within the HTML document itself or in a separate text file referred to by a HTML document. These three types of styles are embedded, inline and linked or external.

Embedded Styles: -

Embedded styles are placed within the head element and use the style element. Embedded styles affect every instance of the element specified.

    <style type="text/css">
            font-family: "Angsana New";
            text-decoration: underline;
            font-style: normal;
            font-variant: small-caps;
            text-transform: lowercase;
            font-weight: 200;
            font-size: large;

   <p>How we use the Css within the HTML</p>
    <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
If you create the class or can say method with user defined name, then you have to use the dot operator for accessing the properties on a particular HTML tag. Such AS: -

    <title>  </title>
    <style type="text/css">
            font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
            font-size: x-large;
            font-style: normal;
            font-family: ADMUI3Lg;
            border-style: double;
            border-width: medium;
            text-align: justify;
            white-space: normal;
    <div class = “abc”>
<h1> The most important part of the css </h1>
<p>This is the way for creating the css </p>

<div class = “navbar”>
<a href = “default.aspx”>home page</a>

Inline Styles: -

Inline styles, as you know, they are placed inside elements within the body of an HTML document. Using the attribute “style” any element can be affected, for example: -
<h1 style = “align-text: center”>
<p style = “background-color: red”>
<a href = style = “text – decoration: none”;>
In the three cases above you can see the attribute “style” used with the
Heading (h1)
And anchor(a) elements
In all cases, the style affects only that specific instance of the element. Such as style of h1 would affect only h1 element and p would affect only p element not h1.

External Style Sheets

Once you created the embedded styles, you can create external or linked style sheets. You can move the style information which you embedded in HTML document transferred into new file. Save the file as a text document with the .CSS extension. Such as abc.css.

In the external style sheets, save your file with extension “.CSS”.

Here we use a special tag is called <LINK>tag. The <LINK> tag goes in the head of any HTML document that you would like to apply your external sheet to. We use the <LINK> tag to refer to the style sheet which you just created on different notepad with the extension of “.CSS”.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="copy of xyz.css">
The basic Cascade (means through an example how we can attach the CSS with HTML element)

There is a basic rule of the cascade the external style sheet with the HTML elements.
Suppose you have an external style sheet (abc.css), which states the following text, So open your  notepad window and type the following text: -

font-family: Georgia,"Times New Roman",Times;
background-color: blue
h1             (H1 is the HTML element. So there is no need of. (Dot) to access the properties of attributes
color: green;
margin: 1em;
bordar-bottom: 1px
Note: - (Creation of method or class with attribute and its properties, here we use. (Dot) before the name of method or class and we can access the class anywhere on the HTML according to the Customer’s need.  Notice that in the

< div class = “abc”>
<p> here we are defining the paragraph</p>
<h1> represents the size of heading</h1>
 Means every tag which represented in div tag will automatically affected. If we attach the class or method with the div tag with following syntax                   

Here it means, here we already defined a SELECTOR that is <P> tag followed by a (.), followed by the class name or method.
So now will see the complete HTML PAGE after cascading the style sheet.
  <title>My first styled page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="abc.css">

<!-- Site navigation menu -->
<ul >
  <li><a href="index.html">Home page</a>
  <li><a href="musings.html">Musings</a>
  <li><a href="town.html">My town</a>
  <li><a href="links.html">Links</a>
<div class = "abc">
<p>Welcome to my styled page!</p>
<h1 >My first styled page</h1>

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