Thursday 18 October 2018


Definition: - If you take user input through a web page and insert it into a SQL Database, there's a chance that you have left yourself wide open for a security issue known as SQL Injection.
Injection usually occurs when you ask a user for input, like their name, and instead of a name they give you a SQL statement that you will unknowingly run on your database.

1)  A successful SQL injection attack enables a malicious/harmful user to execute commands in your application's database by using the privileges granted to your application's login.
2)  The problem is more severe if your application uses an over-privileged account to connect to the database. For example, if your application's login has privileges to eliminate a database, then without adequate safeguards, an attacker might be able to perform this operation.

Common vulnerabilities that make your data access code susceptible to SQL injection attacks include:
  • Weak input validation.
  • Dynamic construction of SQL statements without the use of type-safe parameters.
  • Use of over-privileged database logins.

Step 1:- firstly you will create a website and database in Visual Studio for practically implementing the SQL INJECTION. This is the weakest authentication across the security

Step 2:- steps to be used to create the database
Menuàviewàserver exploreràdata connectionàright clickàcreate new Sql Databaseàspecify the name of server such as sandy\sqlexpress and name of database in database box

Step 3:- steps to be used to create a website in Visual Studio
Menuàfileànewàwebsitesà empty website (C#)àOKàafter that add default.aspx pages along with default.aspx.cs page

Step 4:- After making the website and database you will make the connectivity between them via web config file, which is available in website

Syntax of connectivity of website with database in web, config file
<add name="cn" connectionString="server=sandy\sqlexpress;database=student;integrated security=true"/>

Step 5:- After making the connectivity of database with website, there is a need of webpage named as default.aspx

Step 6:- On default.aspx page drag and drop two textboxes one for username and second for password and one button and get all the controls includes HTML and server controls in the ToolBox

Step 7:- And after clicking the button named as sign in created on default.aspx page
And get the default. aspx.cs page. When you get the aspx.cs page after activating the event of the sigin button, this technique is known as code behind technique

Step 8:- Add mainly three namespaces at the top of the default.aspx.cs
                   Using System.Data;
                   Using System.Data.SqlClient;
                   Using System.Configuration;
Step 9:- discussion of classes, objects, constructor, reference id in C# in SQL INJECTION

      SqlDataAdapter: - DataAdapter is a Command object that retrieves data from the data source
        Main kepoints to be used in DataAdapter:-
o   It uses the disconnected approach
o   In DataAdapter, you can execute more than one SQL query at a time

     DataSet: - The ADO.NET DataSet class contains the collection of table, which   maintains the data after executing the SQL query in Database. It is an intermediate   data which neither represents on presentation layer nor in the Database layer.

   ConnectionString: - It’s used to define the connection of Database with website through maintaining the configuration of Database from Server side

   ConfigurationManager: - This class is responsible for taking care of connection. In simpler form you can say that this class check the configuration of the connection at run time being passed by web config file

Step 10:- Developer Develop the code of SQL INJECTION

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String st = "select * from tbuser where uname='" + TextBox1.Text + "' AND pwd='" + TextBox2.Text + "'";
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(st, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cn"].ConnectionString);
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
            Response.Write("wrong user/pwd");


Step 11:- In the best case, you will enter the username and password from the user input and after authenticate the username and password you will get the result. There is no problem at all
  • As you know there is no input validation, Dynamic construction of SQL statements without the use of type-safe parameters can be done easily. It may enhance the chances of SQL INJECTION attacks
Step 12: - SQL injection is a technique where malicious users can inject SQL commands into an SQL statement, via web page input. Injected SQL commands can alter SQL statement and compromise the security of a web application. Injected SQL commands can alter SQL statement and compromise the security of a web application.
SQL Injection Based on ‘1’=’1’ is Always True
A smart hacker might get access to user names and passwords in a database by simply inserting 1’ or ‘1’=’1 into the user name or password text box:

select * from tbuser where uname='abc' or '1'='1' AND pwd='123' or '1'='1';

The result SQL is valid. It will return all rows from the table tbuser, since WHERE ’1’=’1’ is always true.

You can Bypass the authentication and access the website without credentials


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